Aside from my last name being Greenberg, my deep & everlasting love of bagels is probably the most Jewish thing about me. They are the perfect food. A big sold mass of fluffy carbs that you can slice open and pack full of goodies. If you cant love that, you're a monster. They originate from Poland and became popularized by immigrants who came through Ellis Island in the late 1800’s. Many of the best bagel and appetizing shops in NYC are still in the Lower East Side where the Jewish (and many other) tenement houses used to exist.
Lucky for me, I live in the best city in the world to get these babies. I have compiled a list of my favorite bagels, in no particular order whatsoever. A lot of them, such as Tompkin Square Bagel, H&H, Ess-a-bagel, and Absolute are perfect for grab n’ go. Whereas other places such as Russ & Daughters, Sadelles, and Barney Greengrass are more conducive for sitting and enjoying a full meal. Then you have the less traditional kinds such as Black Seed which is a Montreal style thin bagel. Murray’s and Zucker’s have an interesting story, as they are owned by the same family and both are exceptional. Kossar’s has a rich history as well and has recently been resurrected with a beautiful renovation. My two favorites in the borough I call home, Brooklyn, are Terrace Bagels and La Bagel Delight. Lots of variety, all amazing life decisions. Here’s my list in no particular order: